
Best Berries, Fruits and Vegetables

Photo: India Gooseberries (Amla) by flickr-prashantby

Excerpt of the berries, fruit and vegetable analyses in the Antioxidant Food Table.
Berries, Fruits and Vegetables Antioxidant Table
Rank Product Antioxidant content
Antioxidant content in mmol per 100 g.
1Amla (Indian gooseberry), dried261.5
2Dog rose, wild, dried78.1
3Dog rose, products of dried hip69.4
4Bilberries, dried48.3
5Zereshk, red sour berries48.1
6African baobab tree, leaves dry, crushed27.3
7Dog rose, wild, fresh24.3
8Moringa Stenopetala, dried leaves, stem11.9
9Fruit from the African baobab tree10.8
10Okra/gumbo from Mali, dry, flour4.2
11Apples, dried3.8
12Moringa Stenopetala, fresh leaves, stem3.7
14Blueberry jam3.5
15Plums, dried3.2
16Apricots, dried3.1
17Curly kale2.8
18Chilli, red and green2.4
22Black olives1.7
23Dates, dried1.7
24Mango, dried1.7
27Broccoli, cooked0.5

The total antioxidant content of more than 3100 foods, beverages, spices, herbs and supplements used worldwide.Excerpt of the berries, fruit and vegetable analyses in the Antioxidant Food Table (Table 4). Carlsen MH, Halvorsen BL, Holte K, Bøhn SK, Dragland S, Sampson L, Willey C, Senoo H, Umezono Y, Sanada C, Barikmo I, Berhe N, Willett WC, Phillips KM, Jacobs DR Jr, Blomhoff R. Nutr J. 2010 Jan 22; 9:3.