
The Secrets of Living Longer

How to live to 101 - BBC Horizon
Uploaded by CooDocu on Oct 30, 2011
The quest to live longer has been one of humanities oldest dreams, but while scientists have been searching, a few isolated communities have stumbled across the answer. On the remote Japanese island of Okinawa, In the Californian town of Loma Linda and in the mountains of Sardinia people live longer than anywhere else on earth.

More sources:

Ten ways to live longer, for starters, change your attitude

Long-Lived Costa Ricans Offer Secrets to Reaching 100

Discoveries May Help Unlock Secrets of Long Life

Find Purpose, Live Longer


Energy and nutrient intakes of Okinawan centenarians. Akisaka M, Asato L, Chan YC, Suzuki M, Uezato T, Yamamoto S. J Nutr Sci Vitaminol (Tokyo). 1996 Jun;42(3):241-8.