
Health Tools

Living Longer

Life Expectancy Calculator

The Living to 100 Life Expectancy Calculator uses the most current and carefully researched medical and scientific data in order to estimate how old you will live to be. Most people score in their late eighties... how about you?
Site: www.livingto100.com

Blue Zones® - Vitality Compass 

Use life estimator to calculate your biological age, overall life expectancy, healthy life expectancy and years you're gaining/losing because of your habits
Site: http://apps.bluezones.com/vitality/

Blue Zones® - True Happiness

Measures how you remember your life, how you experience your life and the effect of your environment
Site: http://apps.bluezones.com/happiness/

Brain Tools

Improve brain health and performance.
Site: www.lumosity.com

Self Screening Tool

AllRefer.com Symptoms Guide

Includes step-by-step instructions for evaluating symptoms, from blood in the urine and heartburn to abdominal pain and skin rash
Site: http://health.allrefer.com/health/symptoms.html


Allow you to click on the body parts experiencing symptoms to learn about the possible causes and what to do
Site: http://myelectronicmd.com/step2.php

WebMD Symptom Checker

Need information as you determine what to do about your symptoms?
Site: http://symptoms.webmd.com/symptomchecker


Test your own vision 

Site: http://www.mdsupport.org/eyetests.html

Visual Field Test - Damato Multifixation Campimeter.

This is designed to help you become aware of any significant defects in your visual field.
Site: http://www.testvision.org/intro.html

Damato Campimetry Portfolio's photostream
Site: http://www.flickr.com/photos/damatocampimetry/

The Amsler Grid

Detecting early symptoms of macular degeneration or changes in the vision of people who already have the condition is important.
Site: http://www.mdsupport.org/amslergrid.html


Site 1: http://www.i-see.org/eyecharts.html
Site 2: http://www.mdsupport.org/snellen.html

Visual Field Grid

Site: http://www.mdsupport.org/vfgrid.html

Color Vision Test

Color arrangement test (according to FARNSWORTH)
Site: http://www.univie.ac.at/Vergl-Physiologie/colortest/colortestF-en.html#test


Cognitive Behaviour Therapy
