

Take Control Of Your Health

Simple Principles to Know if Your Diet Works for You.

A right diet is one that gives you lasting energy throughout the day, no indigestion, 2–3 bowel movements per day, and is composed mostly of natural, unprocessed foods. Also, good skin conditions and white eyes are a sign that your diet is working for you. Poor skin, rings or bags under your eyes, and discoloration of your eyes are a tell-tale sign that your diet may not be right for you.

The purpose of your meal is to leave you feeling satiated and comfortable (no longer hungry). It is not natural to stuff your stomach until you are so full you can barely move. Most Westerners are raised to eat like this, and it’s one of the causes of the obesity epidemic we face. So, try to get used to eating smaller portions.
  • If in doubt, leave it out. If you’re not sure if something is bad for you, it probably is. If you can, use your willpower and resist. Have an extra portion of fruit or salad instead.
  • Stay away from junk food snacks and processed foods.
  • Do not regularly consume sugary desserts. Reserve them for special occasions only. • Eat out less and avoid fast food. This means bring your lunch to work.
  • Never drink soda of any kind.
  • If you can, eat your lunch outside as well so you can relax, enjoy nature, and get some sunshine to boost your energy and mood. It takes a little more effort, but it’s worth it. Lots of colors and variety: your plate should look like a tropical rainbow of different fruits, vegetables, legumes, and nuts.


Dr. Joseph Mercola with Dr. Kendra Degen Pearsall. "Take Control Of Your Health", Appendix C: Simple Principles to Know if Your Diet Works for You