


Photo: Left bran vs right brain by Mercedes-Benz

Improve our brain health can protect us from:
  • Dementia
  • Increase our memory
  • Sharpen concentration

1. Nuerobic exercises
  • Getting dressed or showering in the dark
  • Switching what you normally wear on one side to the other like putting your watch on the opposite side of the wrist
  • Using your opposite hand to brush your teeth or open the doors
  • Cooking ethnic foods that you've never prepared before

2. Try Something New
  • "A lifetime of good mental habits payoff," says University of Alberta researcher Dr. Dennis Foth
  • People who are curious at young age are more likely to be mentally active and stay active as they age

3. Sleep to boost memory
  • Your brain requires huge amounts of energy to function properly; sleep boost memory and allows your brain to process information
  • Sleep little, if at all during day because naps rob you of sleep at night
  • To improve you overall brain health, get up and go bed at set times
  • To improve your memory, enjoy healthy food eat light meals at night and avoid caffeine

4. Socialize with People
  • Talking can increase memory and cognitive skills
  • ..

5. Strive For Variety
  • Don't rely on a particular practice, supplement, or food to improve your brain health. Instead incorporate different activities into your life
  • The more you challenge you brain and body the healthier and stronger they become. To improve your memory, enjoy healthy food, eat light meals at night, and avoid caffeine

6. Reduce Exposure to Neurotoxins
  • Harmful chemicals, food additives, and chemically altered ingredients can harm your brain and health
  • Pure product, organic produce natural fragrances, whole foods and fresh air will improve brain health and sharpen concentration
Just like we exercise our body, our brain also needs a workout to stay healthy and maintain peak performance. scientifically designed brain games are a great option because you can have fun and improve the health of your brain at the same time.


  • Improve brain health and performance.