

Fruit Juice Fail

Up to 90% of the nutritional value is lost when we choose fruit juice rather than the whole fruit.

Photo: Orange juice by USDA
Always choose
  1. Whole (Raw)
  2. Dried
  3. Sauce
  4. Juice
Note:Make your own juice for the healthy choice


U.S. Department of Agriculture. Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity (ORAC) of Selected Foods 2007. November 2007.

M.J. McCann, C.I. Gill, G. O’Brien, J.R. Rao, W.C. McRoberts, P. Hughes, R. McEntee, & I.R. Rowland. Anti-cancer properties of phenolics from apple waste on colon carcinogenesis in vitro. Food Chem Toxicol, 45(7):1224-1230, 2007.

R.T. Threlfall, J.R. Morris, L.R. Howard, C. R. Brownmiller, & T.L. Walker. Pressing effects on yield, quality, and nutraceutical content of juice, seeds, and skins from black beauty and sunbelt grapes. Journal of Food Science, 70:167-171, 2006.